Well, here it is, my first blog post!
I'm starting this up to be able to link it to forums, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc et al and so on, so that I can be held accountable to my goals and to my word.
For those that don't know, I'm going to be doing the P90X series of workouts for 180 days (two full workout cycles), with the second cycle POTENTIALLY, depending on results, aiming for more muscle mass. However, flab loss is #1. Until I can see my abs in the mirror when doing the flex pose, I will still keep cutting down the flab.
On top of that, I am also entering personally motivated training to run in the May 2011 Mother's Day Run and Walk 10KM Run (mini marathon) here in Calgary. This effectively means I'll be doing P90X doubles, but without doing the Cardio X bit of the workout, just doing running/biking/swimming in the mornings or after work (if I get a job :D) and before my workout.
As it stands, it's exactly 6 days and a few hours until my journey begins, and I'm still ramping up the conditioning aspect of my prep, namely biking a lot, doing hills, burst sprints, etc, as well as walking/lightly jogging to get my body used to the higher impact cardio of running, which I will start with on Tuesday July 13th, as July 12th is booked as a bike day in the morning.
All in all, I'm really excited. I'm looking forward to never being fat again. I know that there will be days that I question what I'm doing, that I will need to dig deep and find that reserve of willpower within me. This is going to be a tearing down of comfort levels and a complete stripping of my soul as I remake myself. This. Is. Not. Going. To. Be. Easy.
But, then again, nothing worthwhile ever really is.
So here's to half a year, at least, of pain, sweat, puke, screaming, agony and reshaping.
I have a set of before pics for now, but I will take official ones that will start daily pictures on July 12th.
I will post daily front flex pictures, and every 30 days I will post a full P90X series (front relaxed, front flexed, back relaxed, back flexed, side profile, 3/4 twist relaxed)
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