Friday, December 31, 2010


This is it. I'm heading to the Dr's on Monday to get my final checkup on my leg, it's been feeling great with the work I've been doing on it in the past few weeks. Flexibility is about 98% on it now, much improved from the 50% or so in November.

As to the people making fun of my injury... deal with it. That is all on that subject.

I realize how and why it happened, I was too balls-first at the time and overstressed the muscle. Now that I know what to watch for and the warning signs that go with it, I'm confident my risk of reinjury is low. Still, I'm going to start into P90X Lean first instead of P90X Standard.

As it stands, I'm still shedding the flab, slowly but surely. Responsible eating (mostly, there WAS the Tron Legacy party thing with a couple slices of pizza :D ) has done a lot, honestly. I haven't touched potato chip in almost 1.5 years now, something I'm fairly proud of. I used to munch constantly on those.

So, as it stands, in workout clothes on the scale, 220.3 lbs, and I had spiked up to 230 lbs right after the groin tear.

I expect my new start date for the 180 days to be January 11, 2011. I'm going to take next week and do the yoga-X and stretch-X routines to get limbered up again, been focusing on my legs for recovery, kinda forgot to keep the torso and arms going :P

I'll update end of next week with thoughts, feelings, and plans :)

Oh, I will not be doing the mother's day run in 2011. Too much time has passed for me to get running fit in time. 2012, though, I will be there. Gives me a little over a year to get into running shape :D

Friday, November 5, 2010

Long time no post

Well, I've pretty much given up on the 10 km run for next year. I'll just do it in 2012, though ;)

Now, to what most people are wanting to read:

- I've been doing P90X lean for the past couple of weeks at a VERY minimal level (30-50%), to feel out where my comfort zone is for my leg. It still hurts to move vigorously or to squat with, so I'm taking it slow and easy, because I am not an athlete that can push their muscle into compliance with hardcore, that day physio. I'm a slightly large geek that spends half his day on his ass writing :P

-I'm already seeing some results. I peaked near 228 lbs after my last week of physio, when I was still eating the recommended diet for physio but didn't have the 4 hours a day of exercises. I remedied that with some biking and a lot of walking, with great support coming from all angles (<3 Michelle! <3 Emi!). I'm sitting at about 222 lbs now, and have gained about a centimeter of stomach flab after all is said and done :\ Ah well, all the more reason to work it off :D

-I really don't know when the 180 days challenge will restart, but it WILL restart. I pushed too hard, too fast, to enthusiastically, and coupled with a physical job, I got hurt. I'm going to take it slower (lean THEN reg) and lighter (80-> 90 ->100 first three weeks) and be much more careful this time. I learned my lesson.

Anyways, I have a touch of the flu today, so this is going to be a short post. I'll update again when I've solidified the new restart date.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Well, things are still looking better and better. I'm at the point where I'm starting to get deep muscle massage, which fucking H-U-R-T-S when being applied. However, when one stands from having that done to one's thigh, it is surprisingly relaxed and moveable. It's definitely helping me get back on my feet as it were.

I'm very happy with the exercises that I have been doing as part of physio, as there are some solid torso and arms only things I do to balance out the load.

Been doing 3x10Rx20lbs on the wobble board with bicep curls, overhead presses, and tricep extensions. Works the core and legs to keep stability, and the arms and torso to power the weight up. It's nowhere near my max, but it still gets a good sweat going. I then do 3x10x20lbs presses and pectoral flies on the weight bench. Going to go up to 25 lbs next week, feeling good on those.

My left leg (groin tear, weak leg) can now press 80 lbs reliably, but is NOT happy bending. My right leg can easily go over 140 lbs, but I'm keeping it at 80 lbs so it's even with the left. Do 3x10Rx80lbs per leg (solo) and then one set of both legs together at 160 lbs.

Hamstring curls are the weakest right now, I'm taking it carefully with those as the gracilis is a hamstring muscle, I'm doing 30 lbs per leg for two sets, then 40 lbs per leg for final set.

I still can't do plyometrics nor proper squats, but we're working on that now with quarter squats and wall squats with a big exercise ball to lean against so I do some core work too.

As to returning to P90X... I got 4 and a bit weeks into it, I was injured during my recovery week after a 1 week restart. I'm actively talking with my physio and kines specialists and they're saying that I could be back into it at half-effort by October 4 if all goes well, so I might change up the rotation and do the lesser impact P90X Lean routine first time around to build tolerance and lose flab, then pump out P90X standard for the second round.

As to current stats.... surprisingly, despite being on my ass for over a month now, I'm stable at 217 lbs average. I would have thought I'd have gathered a lot more flab, because I'm only doing a light workout for 2 hours a day vs the intense kind that P90X is. My arms are also noticeably bigger in the biceps, and feel more solid, like there is more mass there. I chalk up the weight management and lower flab gain due to eating properly. No bad snacks, and keeping up the 6 meals a day, smaller portions.

This, of course, means I need to go out and buy a set of 25 lbs dumbells <_< :D

Anyways, things are getting better day by day. I can actually walk with much less a limp now, and can put SOME weight on my leg.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


And the tear is healed ^____________________^

I'm only halfway out of the woods though. Now comes the long, arduous climb back to 100% function, which I'm told is at least 2 more weeks, if not more.

Well, I just wanted to drop a quick line and let people know what was up. And so I have. I go sleep now. -_-zzz

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Recovery progress

Well, long time, no post o_O

Things have been progressing well since my injury, which was determined as a 30% Grade 2 Groin Strain (meaning some muscle fibers tore, but only about 30% of the entire gracilis muscle). I've been attending physiotherapy three times a week, and I must say that with the physio, it is really helping speed up recovery. Even this past week, I've gone from barely able to stand to being able to walk up and down stairs, albeit VERY slowly and carefully.

Rob, my physiotherapist at the U of C, is awesome. Gave me a list of stretches and exercises, showed me how to isolate the gracilis out so I don't put undue strain on it while it recovers, and is all around awesome :)

As to P90X... that won't resume until at least mid-September, because I have to be 100% cleared and have had a physical before I can return, as per Rob's suggestion. As he also does the program, he suggested a shortened redo of phase 1, ie 2 weeks, then a recovery week and on to phase 2. Still, with all the rest, my body has normalized out and my weight is sitting steady at 212 lbs (down from a start weight of 219), and my hips have stabilized to 38 inches (down from 40.5). For only a month of the program (added to the work I was doing, which was pretty heavy duty), I think those are nice results.

Also, I reconnected with a friend of mine from High School, and she is a cross country runner. I'm hoping that, once I am back to health, I can start running with her so I have someone to keep me going and show me how to ramp up to distance running (I'm still aiming to run in the Mother's Day 10k)

On the hobby side, this unexpected downtime has allowed me to simply STEAMROLL through writing projects I had been putting off for a while. I reedited Silverlight (my sci-fi novel) and made some major improvements that I think will make it more marketable, I am deep into Dark War, my new webseries novel that I am making with a friend of mine, and I have begun work on my most ambitious fanfiction project ever (a throwback to my roots as I started my writing way back in the mid-90's with a fanfic about One Must Fall 2097). It's daunting because the source universe is loved by millions, and has to be treated with respect and proper diligence in research.

So, the word is: Mid-september. I have at least 2 more weeks, maybe 3, of physio and at least two more assessment appointments (range of motion, weight bearing ability, etc). Here's hoping!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Well shit :\

Well, I'm finally coherent enough to make a post. I had just finished my recovery week (well, mostly) and was at work yesterday, looking forward to the workout after working....

To make a long story short, I was hauling a compost bin onto the truck, one filled to the rim with wet coffee grounds (yay rainy days -_-) and I braced my core and legs to pull it off up the ramp. As I pulled, something which I did every day for the past 3 or so weeks, absolute fire ripped down through my groin and lower abdomen. So much so, that I was laid flat for about half a minute. Getting to my feet, my left leg, at the groin connector, couldn't take any weight.

Five hours later, after being poked and prodded and xray'd at the hospital, I have a partial tear in my muscle that attaches from the groin area of the pelvis to the thigh area of the leg. Not being an anatomy major, I have no clue about the name of the muscle. I just know that I have to ice it pretty much constantly, and it hurts like a bleeding motherfucker.

So, I'm off workouts (and work) until August 25,2010. Hooray me :\ And even then, I have to check with the doctor (awesomely funny guy, so not much of a hassle :D) to make sure I'm cleared to resume working out.

I know that many that said I wouldn't/couldn't make it will jump on this news like sharks on a pool of chum, but frankly, let them. I don't give two shits about what they think, or about the posts and misinformation they will undoubtedly try to spread about this. I know who I'm doing this whole thing for, and it's not for them, so let them think what they will. Once I'm 100% cleared to resume working out, I will.

I'm just thankful the muscle tore, but didn't seperate. Seperation = surgery = end of workouts for months. With a tear, I should be back on my feet in a week, and back working out, if all goes well, within a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed.

And now to go get blasted on Percocet again, as my groin muscles are telling me in no uncertain terms: ow. fuck. ow. ow. fuck. ow.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Where did he go?!?

Well, I got a job is where I went.

First thing's first: I AM STILL ON THE PROGRAM.

I haven't quit, and I have had some people whine a bit because I couldn't be on the internet 12 hours a day anymore so they just assumed that I had dropped out of P90X and let's just say that a couple pages of a thread on a forum are dedicated to people erroneously posting defaming and wrong things about me.

Ah well, it's the internet (shrug). Haters gonna hate.

Anyways, to progress: I've lost 8 lbs total average, and I am already down to a size 38 waist (I started at size 40 waist). At this rate, I should be size 36 in August or September. I am lifting my heavier weights with more reps, so I definitely feel that muscle growing.

I also work a heavy labor job (recycling company, hauling around bins weighing between 30-300 lbs (depending on if empty, full of specific types of material, etc) as well as starch bags full of plastic, paper, etc, as well as picking up compost bins we provide to companies) that has me burning some serious calories during the day. I have kept my diet steady, carbs and protein in the morning, protein at lunch, recovery stuff at dinner, etc. I'm pretty much running a caloric deficit which I think has helped with the flab loss.

Sooooo yeah, don't expect daily updates for the moment. I'm getting home totally wiped and then doing a hard hour to hour and half of exercise before I shower and eat :P So if I don't get around to blogging that often, well, hey, dems da breaks. Live with it ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day 3: Arms and shoulders, confidence and assertiveness.

Wow... while not the world's hardest workout overall (but CERTAINLY not easy), arms and shoulders works said body parts to pain and suffering and growth o_O I found the static arm curls to be particularly vicious doing the last few reps. Although I will state that I think the hardest exercise of the bunch is the seated shoulder fly's, not so much when your back is straight, but when you lean forward and do the fly, oh dear GOD do those burn. I was shaking after that specific exercise.

I did do the bonus round, and all I have to say about those three exercises is: OW.

Ab ripper X was kinda half assed today, only went till I got the shaking burn, not till failure as I did on Monday. I wanted to get the workout, but also my abs were still hellaciously sore from Monday, so I took it easy on them. You do ab ripper 3 times a week, so one half-ass day shouldn't cause TOO much damage to the overall results.

On another front, a lot of people have been asking why I do a video and a blog everyday.... to be honest, it's the other half of my transformation. I was a shy, reclusive, not very confident person. Now that I'm forcing myself to video, write, and expose all my failings/successes to the unknown masses, it's helping build confidence in myself and breaking down the shyness barrier ever so slightly each day. It doesn't work to blast the body into shape without also reforming the mind to accompany it.

It's part of a 6 month transformation, and I'm hoping that I'm as assertive, confident and uninhibited in December as I was in 2002, when I was still fit.

That's all for now, here's the post workout vid!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 2: Plyometrics X and the doubters grow....

Well, Plyo X is actually a really doable workout, and my god do you get a good sweat on. The reality of plyo, to me, is all in the head. I KNOW I'm on course for a good result and I know that I ain't quitting. So I just clench my teeth, get those last two leapfrog laterals, rock hops, knee jumps, whatever out, give a little scream of pain, recover (by mopping up the sweat puddle so I don't slip while Tony explains the next move) and then get right back into it.

Something I don't understand, though, is despite all this determination, sweat, and even a near puke so far (day 1's queasyness after ab ripper), people are still going "lawl you aren't really working out hard." Well, uh, yeah, I am. Sure, I'm not going max revs yet, but I'm going 85%-90% as suggested on all the forums with all the P90X threads I've read. "Ease into it the first week by going near max, then the rest, go all out"

So, my statement to those detractors, is simply: go somewhere else, troll.

If there is a legitimate concern, then I will listen. But from now on, anyone that blatantly trolls? Ignored.

Anyways, looking forward to using the chinup station tomorrow. Glue has dried and the test hang (my dad on one arm, me on the other, and it barely flexed) has my confidence in the build. Ready to rock! RAH! \m/ >_< \m

Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 1: Day 0 and Reg workout together!

Because of a STUPIDLY busy Sunday, I didn't get around to doing my fitness test yesterday, so I did it today. Here you can find my measurements as well as the fit test on day 1

I did chest and back followed immediately by ab ripper X. Chest and back was fairly standard, but the intensity and pushing hard for the max the second time around is when I really felt the burn. I didn't go 100% because I knew my body wasn't used to it, but even at 85% effort it's still DAMNED hard to type after it all.

Ab Ripper X totally destroyed me. The last time I did it, I did it fresh and rested. Doing it after a regular workout makes you scream, kick and grind for every last rep, every last situp, every single mason's twist until you feel like you're going to pass out. After the wobbles, you get a feeling of being really queasy... so I just had some water, didn't do the last 25 mason's twists and stretched it out afterwards... then I flopped onto my back.

I tried to reach for my camera to record a video, but my body just said "NO!" I lay there, in a puddle of my own sweat, for about 3 minutes before I could even move to get the camera.

The video recorded is here:

Notice the gasp of pain as I let my other hand fall away from the camera at the start XD

Saturday, July 10, 2010

T-Minus 1: Fit Test prep, light cardio

Well, this is it. Tomorrow is Day 0 of 90, the fitness test in preparation for my first 90 days of P90X.

A few interesting topics to cover today:

1) Did a Stampede Breakfast with the family this morning, so I did an extra half lap of my walking/running course, and made sure to use the hill I normally avoid to add that little extra burn right at the end, although the entire course was taken at normal pace. My main objective with the walk was just to open up the lungs, get the air in, get some blood flowing, just a nice relaxing walk. Legs are happy happy and not sore at all, the rest day made sure that they recovered.

2) The diet. Oh good lord has that changed my life already o_O! Energy is steady and level throughout the day, I don't crash out between meals. My bowels are happy, I'm MUCH less gassy, and my movements are regular. I know that's kind of gory, but it's amazing how much of a change eating right can do for your intestinal health.

A lot of people will go "ewww he's talking about his poop chute," and you're damned right I am. It's an important part of your digestive system, and making sure that it's operating at an efficient and regular level is a great feeling. I'm not embarassed about it, and neither should anyone be. It's also very important for men as colon cancer is a very real risk for many, which can be reduced in risk with proper intestinal care. Regularity is important for intestinal health, as well as overall health. Do your research, kiddos.

3)Chinning station. Build on that is going awesome, got the uprights all cut, glued, and setting overnight. Bolting and final build goes tomorrow, gonna have my own homebuilt chinup station :D

4) Excitement. It's weird, in the past I've always found excuses to get OUT of the pain of doing workouts.... "I'm too sore." "I have to go raiding." "I just ate the 12th donut in the box, if I workout I'll puke." Blah blah BLAH. I've heard it all, because I've said it all. Now I'm actually excited about working out, and not so much focusing ALL my energy into gaming. In the grand scheme of things, being fit and healthy is more important than smashing pixels in the face with more pixels. Simple fact of life: Prioritize. I can still raid and get fit, if I MAKE the time to do both. That's the key that I missed before. Make the time, and it all falls into place.

Anyways, I am going to have a nice relaxing evening so I can sleep well and be ready for tomorrow's test. The entire point is to make sure that you at least have SOME fitness (I do) and to have a base of reference you can look back on in 90 days and go "I was THAT big?"

My goals for the first 90 days are not that out of hand or impossible. I'm aiming to be less than 200 lbs and reduce my body fat to 17% or less, minimal, or 15% or less if I feel that I can go hard the last 30 days and rock it out.

Anyways, that's it for me today, signing off to go snore happily.

Friday, July 9, 2010

T-Minus 2: Rest Day

A well deserved rest day, even though I'm still sweating here because of how goddamned hot it is in Calgary (33 C or something).

I have noticed over the past little while that my energy level has really smoothed out, and I now have plenty of energy at any point in the day to do stuff. It used to be energy-crash-energy-crash, but now it's a nice steady buzz all day. The dietary change really has kicked into gear :D

Finished purchasing all the ready made gear I could today, so now I have 16 square feet of that half inch squishy floor covering, 2 10 lbs dumbells, 1 20 lbs resistance strap and some foam covered pushup stands. Dad and I are going to do a dad-n-son thing this weekend and build my chinning station from pipe and 2x4's, and going to put that in the corner of the suite so I still have at least SOME floor space XD.

I'm looking forward to Sunday, day 0, when the Fit Test happens, so I can record my numbers and see really how far I have to go :D

Thursday, July 8, 2010

T-Minus 3: Hill Sprints

For once the weather in Calgary decided to be hot and dry, perfect weather for biking.

Did my usual hill sprint route, namely up and down 14th St NW between John Laurie and the Nose Hill parking lot. Got 4 good hard uphills in, then decided to call off the 5th because my legs said "ya know, rest day is tomorrow, go a little easier on us today." I still soaked my shirt in sweat and got a good leg burn out of it.

Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day and I might pop in the X-Stretch video just to get some good ol fashioned stretching done. I'm not going to run on Saturday, but I am going to do a double circuit of my route at a slightly faster walk... still exercise, just lower impact than jogging. And then, on Sunday, it'll be time for my before pictures, my final measurements, and the dreaded, the horrific, the ghastly: P90X FIT TEST! (dun dun DUNNNNNN)

So, here's today's video, and this is me going to get some yummeh lunch

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

T-Minus 4: The First Run

I am beginning to realize just how out of shape I am and just how much I need to work on. I did 4km today, 1 km fast walk to warm up, 2km of jogging, 20 seconds of vomiting, and 1 km of fast walking home with the last 150 meters sprinted to my door.

I downed a recovery drink (1 cup 1% milk + 1 scoop whey isolate, mmmm french vanilla flava!) and my muscles went "OH GOD!" and gobbled it up. My lungs are still catching up to me, they were burning pretty hard during those 2 km. The puke also felt AWESOME. Like, it's vomiting, sure, but my body felt BETTER after the barf than before. I guess that's what pushing through "the wall" feels like, although my wall right now is about 5 inches high and I kinda tripped over it and faceplanted :P

Anyways, here's the vid:

Gonna go munch on a slice of low fat, low sodium cheese to get some good bacteria and proteins in me :D


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More doubters

I love them. I love the people that don't know me, that haven't even seen me, that don't have an insight into my personal reasons for doing this, all saying "you're gonna fail," or "you're going to drop it after 6 weeks" or "you won't even last 10 days."

Keep it up people. Your taunts only make me stronger. :D

THIS is why I announced publicly that I'm doing this, on a forum that gets over 100,000 individual hits per day. THIS is why I'm making videos of my progress (that and to help break my shyness). THIS is why this blog exists, so I have quantifiable, permanent PROOF that I worked hard to get my results, when they come :)

So taunt me all you want, people. It only fuels my desire to rub it in your faces in 180 days :D

A response to a challenge (

Well, a user on, my favorite local Calgary forums (awesome place to be a forumite at), has said that he has his bets on me not even completing one round of P90X. He says that all his friends that have tried have dropped out of the program or just given up entirely. He said he will eat his words if I prove him wrong.

So my only question to him is: how do you like your words? Sautee'd? Fried? How about a word salad, with humble vinaigrette as a topping?

This isn't a matter of IF I complete the P90X program. It's WHEN I complete it that I will be shoving those words down his throat.

As the tag line for P90X goes: BRING IT :D

T-Minus 5: Gentle cardio

Well, I didn't get my new cross trainers until this morning, so I made a ride out of the whole deal, and extended it past just a ride to the store and back. I covered about 15 km, and I did it at my normal, comfortable pace, because my legs needed a break after yesterday's gruelling intervals. Starting to get more air through the lungs now, I think... I found my normal pace just that SLIGHT bit easier, and noticed I was breathing a little deeper than usual during my ride.

New crosstrainers are actually one of those weird happenings of life... I was at SportChek looking at some of the higher end, name brand stuff, but none of them really fit my wide, arched feet at all well... so I scooted on down to WalMart, of all places, tried on a pair of cross trainers there that were $30 vs the $70 of the ones at SportChek, and blissful day, they fit like a second skin on my feet. I'm not trying to cheap out on good shoes, but when you find a pair that fit that well, you don't even question if it's a good buy. They are extremely comfortable, and handle me jogging (I took a quick bounce around the block when I got home) very well, so I'm happy with them.

So... tomorrow morning, probably around 9 am, my first 4 km jog/walk begins. I plan on the first KM to be slowly building up speed while walking, then I'm going to try to keep a steady jog for at least 2 km and then come down off it slowly, so I get a nice bell curve for my cardio. I'm not going to push it, however. Tomorrow is just learning about comfort, getting my body used to steady fast movement and getting my lungs and cardio ready for when I actually start into marathon training.

That's it for today, just sipping on a half glass of recovery drink today, didn't push hard at all so I don't think I need the full meal deal. Still, I love that almost ALL the powders for mixing come with a french vanilla flavor... nummy ^_^

Monday, July 5, 2010

T-Minus 6: Conditioning, hard biking and a happy Vagabond :D

Wow, did I ever push hard on my cardio today. Not just the hard as in, "oh, I'll just pedal a bit faster this bike ride," but pulse literally thundering in my ears, feeling my heart pounding, the blood coursing through my veins and arteries as I pushed as hard as I could on my bike, uphill, downhill, flat road, grass, gravel, weaving between trees and lamp posts, just hard hard hard. I did it in intervals though... so 5 minutes medium hard riding with 2-3 minutes of flat out, balls to the wall, nothing held back pounding.

And fuck me, do I feel awesome.

I also learned the value of a proper recovery drink and food after a hard workout. Your muscles are screaming at the top of their lungs for protein, and having a cup of milk with a scoop of isowhey in it (mmm french vanilla) with a slice of low fat cheese covers a) all my dairy intakes for the day and b) about 50-60g's of protein. 15 minutes after eating/drinking, the muscle pain that was causing me to have WLS (wobbly leg syndrome) was gone. Instead, I feel oddly energized and invigorated, and almost a little euphoric. Now that's what I call a good day.

So, the rest of this week is the final bit of conditioning, with a 2.4 km walk/jog tomorrow, and a 1.5 km walk back to my place after, for a total of around 4 km done total. Not as vicious on the body as the biking is for pure all out cardio right now, but my body isn't used to high impact training, and I also am a bit fat, so I wanna take care of my knees. Getting some good cross trainers tonight as well, so I'm looking forward to probably posting a time a little over an hour tomorrow.

Weight update:

Started off at 219.7 lbs on July 4 in the am
Right after my protein drink and food after biking, I was 217.9 lbs.

That's probably water weight + a little fat burned, but it's still a bit of progress :D

Anyways, I'll have a new post up tomorrow.

Here's the youtube of today's post, summed up pretty quickly:

First post!

Well, here it is, my first blog post!

I'm starting this up to be able to link it to forums, youtube, facebook, twitter, etc et al and so on, so that I can be held accountable to my goals and to my word.

For those that don't know, I'm going to be doing the P90X series of workouts for 180 days (two full workout cycles), with the second cycle POTENTIALLY, depending on results, aiming for more muscle mass. However, flab loss is #1. Until I can see my abs in the mirror when doing the flex pose, I will still keep cutting down the flab.

On top of that, I am also entering personally motivated training to run in the May 2011 Mother's Day Run and Walk 10KM Run (mini marathon) here in Calgary. This effectively means I'll be doing P90X doubles, but without doing the Cardio X bit of the workout, just doing running/biking/swimming in the mornings or after work (if I get a job :D) and before my workout.

As it stands, it's exactly 6 days and a few hours until my journey begins, and I'm still ramping up the conditioning aspect of my prep, namely biking a lot, doing hills, burst sprints, etc, as well as walking/lightly jogging to get my body used to the higher impact cardio of running, which I will start with on Tuesday July 13th, as July 12th is booked as a bike day in the morning.

All in all, I'm really excited. I'm looking forward to never being fat again. I know that there will be days that I question what I'm doing, that I will need to dig deep and find that reserve of willpower within me. This is going to be a tearing down of comfort levels and a complete stripping of my soul as I remake myself. This. Is. Not. Going. To. Be. Easy.

But, then again, nothing worthwhile ever really is.

So here's to half a year, at least, of pain, sweat, puke, screaming, agony and reshaping.

I have a set of before pics for now, but I will take official ones that will start daily pictures on July 12th.

I will post daily front flex pictures, and every 30 days I will post a full P90X series (front relaxed, front flexed, back relaxed, back flexed, side profile, 3/4 twist relaxed)