Saturday, August 28, 2010

Recovery progress

Well, long time, no post o_O

Things have been progressing well since my injury, which was determined as a 30% Grade 2 Groin Strain (meaning some muscle fibers tore, but only about 30% of the entire gracilis muscle). I've been attending physiotherapy three times a week, and I must say that with the physio, it is really helping speed up recovery. Even this past week, I've gone from barely able to stand to being able to walk up and down stairs, albeit VERY slowly and carefully.

Rob, my physiotherapist at the U of C, is awesome. Gave me a list of stretches and exercises, showed me how to isolate the gracilis out so I don't put undue strain on it while it recovers, and is all around awesome :)

As to P90X... that won't resume until at least mid-September, because I have to be 100% cleared and have had a physical before I can return, as per Rob's suggestion. As he also does the program, he suggested a shortened redo of phase 1, ie 2 weeks, then a recovery week and on to phase 2. Still, with all the rest, my body has normalized out and my weight is sitting steady at 212 lbs (down from a start weight of 219), and my hips have stabilized to 38 inches (down from 40.5). For only a month of the program (added to the work I was doing, which was pretty heavy duty), I think those are nice results.

Also, I reconnected with a friend of mine from High School, and she is a cross country runner. I'm hoping that, once I am back to health, I can start running with her so I have someone to keep me going and show me how to ramp up to distance running (I'm still aiming to run in the Mother's Day 10k)

On the hobby side, this unexpected downtime has allowed me to simply STEAMROLL through writing projects I had been putting off for a while. I reedited Silverlight (my sci-fi novel) and made some major improvements that I think will make it more marketable, I am deep into Dark War, my new webseries novel that I am making with a friend of mine, and I have begun work on my most ambitious fanfiction project ever (a throwback to my roots as I started my writing way back in the mid-90's with a fanfic about One Must Fall 2097). It's daunting because the source universe is loved by millions, and has to be treated with respect and proper diligence in research.

So, the word is: Mid-september. I have at least 2 more weeks, maybe 3, of physio and at least two more assessment appointments (range of motion, weight bearing ability, etc). Here's hoping!

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