Friday, December 31, 2010


This is it. I'm heading to the Dr's on Monday to get my final checkup on my leg, it's been feeling great with the work I've been doing on it in the past few weeks. Flexibility is about 98% on it now, much improved from the 50% or so in November.

As to the people making fun of my injury... deal with it. That is all on that subject.

I realize how and why it happened, I was too balls-first at the time and overstressed the muscle. Now that I know what to watch for and the warning signs that go with it, I'm confident my risk of reinjury is low. Still, I'm going to start into P90X Lean first instead of P90X Standard.

As it stands, I'm still shedding the flab, slowly but surely. Responsible eating (mostly, there WAS the Tron Legacy party thing with a couple slices of pizza :D ) has done a lot, honestly. I haven't touched potato chip in almost 1.5 years now, something I'm fairly proud of. I used to munch constantly on those.

So, as it stands, in workout clothes on the scale, 220.3 lbs, and I had spiked up to 230 lbs right after the groin tear.

I expect my new start date for the 180 days to be January 11, 2011. I'm going to take next week and do the yoga-X and stretch-X routines to get limbered up again, been focusing on my legs for recovery, kinda forgot to keep the torso and arms going :P

I'll update end of next week with thoughts, feelings, and plans :)

Oh, I will not be doing the mother's day run in 2011. Too much time has passed for me to get running fit in time. 2012, though, I will be there. Gives me a little over a year to get into running shape :D

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